The official website for
macedonian digital health
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Digital health

Learn everything you need to know about the digital transformation of healthcare on our website!


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MADH promotes and supports digital and technological innovation in the Macedonian healthcare sector. It aims to create a dynamic ecosystem by encouraging cross-disciplinary collaborations bringing together academic, scientific, medical, technological, economic and industrial expertise. By developing specific tools and interactions between stakeholders of the digital health value chain, the association helps innovate to seize opportunities and generate new added values for the Macedonian healthcare system and the Macedonian economy.
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MADH is an interdisciplinary network of engineering and healthcare professionals with a vision to improve our population health through the application of artificial intelligence. Our founders recognize the importance of the sharing of ideas and efforts to enable effective uses of new technology to existing health settings, thus improving digital health. We aim to promote basic and continuous theoretical and practical training in the field of telemedicine and eHealth, including its applications throughout the health sector.
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contact us

+389 71 541 788

Makedonsko Lekarsko Drushtvo
Skopje, Macedonia

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©2023 - Macedonian Association of Digital Health | All rights reserved